Orange County Video Production Services

Concentration on Orange County Video Production, N3 Digital Video Productions, corporate training videos, commercial production, and other film and video production. Safety training videos, corporate video production or any of your other digital video production needs can be found with our Orange County Production Company.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Can Digital Video Be Reused? - Part 1

I received a great question via email from a client the other day and I thought our blog would be a great place to share the answer. My thoughts were that if one person has a question about digital video productions, chances are other clients do to.

Most of our clients have been working with N3 Digital Video Production for many years and are often repeat customers who use our video production services in different capacities from project to project. One of these clients recently asked if footage we had captured while filming shots for their safety training video could be used in a new video production they were planning to have N3 create for them. This is a fairly common question and answering it correctly depends on many factors, and I will share them all in the nest few entries – so check back in a few days to see them all.

Today, I will cover the most basic part of the answer – Does the original footage still exist? As an Orange County video production company, we always catalogue and store film for clients when request it, and often times have backup digital files for those clients that have not requested our library service. That being said, if a client has NOT requested that N3 store backup files on their behalf, we cannot guarantee that their video still exists in our storage. We of course always encourage clients to keep original footage for this purpose. If the original footage exists, it is possible to reuse – but that all depends on if the rest of the pieces are in place. I’ll cover that in my next entry, so stay tuned!

Walter A.
Owner, N3 Digital Video Productions


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